By Erna on Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Category: Blog Post

7 things I learned on my very first job

Last year I worked as agriculture engineer in an apple orchard, this was my very first job as an agronomist and anything else since I never worked before.  During that period I have learned lots of things which I will bear in my mind for the rest of my life.  Here are 7 pieces of advice for those that will start their first job as agriculture engineer. 

You know nothing

If you are a ‘Game of Thrones’ fan (as I am), probably you are very familiar with ‘You know nothing, Jon Snow’ line. That line explained exactly how I felt when I started my first job, except I was the Jon Snow who felt like I knew nothing.  The good news is that even though you know nothing when you start your first job you have time, will, courage and strength to learn lots of things in a very short time and the even better news is that no-one is expecting you to know everything.

Get ready to commit to your responsibilities

First-thing-first, learn what your responsibilities are and draw clear boundaries between your responsibilities and your college’s responsibilities. Show full commitment to your duties and never let someone else fulfill duties that you should have done. Do not forget that your employer must see that you get the job done.

Love everyone, trust no-one

It is not my intention to sound like I have trust issues but really in business, you must trust no-one because people will let you down in your first mistakes and will misuse your trust and soft side. That does not mean that they are bad people and not worth loving them, it just means that they are humans and that’s just how it is our nature.

Do not be afraid to be aggressive and direct

Unfortunately, if you are a woman in agriculture sector you should show double afford compare to man. Somehow people have this idea that women are good at agricultural labor (to hoe, to harvest etc.,) but when it comes to being an engineer, it is a man’s job. You should prove to them (in particular to your laborer) that what you are doing is not a “man’s” job but YOUR OWN JOB. When it is needed, be tuff as much as you can, and if it is needed to be aggressive and direct, be one who cares.

Respect = Trust

Do not bother to make you laborer (employer) to like you, instead make them respect you. Workers will like you more if they respect you because only when they have respect for you, they trust you.

Double check

No matter how confident you are at your job, to reduce the possibility of making mistakes always double check.

Be ready to get dirty

You know the rule, you can’t learn to farm without making your boots dirty. Go to the field as much as you can, if you have time work with workers even if they are hoeing. This will help you understand their working condition and the time required for that job to be done. This will improve your leading and labor organization abilities.

Plus riding a tractor is SOOO much fun.

Picture credit: Hana Voca/YPARD Kosovo

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