Climate Action and Agriculture for Sustainable Development in Uganda

                                        Bwire Denis

                                         Saerd Uganda

Climate change is not only a topic of politicians’ concern, but a responsibility of humankind and we youth have great role to play. It is a real problem that cannot be avoided and must be tackled now to build in the future.”Sustainable development goal(SDG) 13 on climate action stands out among the 17 Sustainable development goals (SDGs) in which the impacts of climate change if dealt with helps to attain several SDGs such as goal 1, 2, 3 etc.

Therefore, action to climate change is an inter-linked package and for a youth, its impacts is an eye opener to create positive short and long-term opportunities cause changein our communities.wehave to strengthen the link between development and climate by continual promotion of climate compatible development agendas, work with different peers, communities and create programs by empowering different stakeholders through education and training to enhance climate mitigation and adaptation.

Insight about climate action

Climate action in Agriculture

The potential of Agriculture is a ‘’common thread for sustainable development’’ that can enable achievement of 2030 agenda and its sustainable Development goals. It’s of no doubt that its impacts most directly on SDGs 2(zero hunger) with its focus to achieve other SDGs (1) and (3). There are adverse climate impacts being reflected through increased prolonged droughts and extreme weather event resulting into water scarcity in many parts of Uganda. This evident with marked dry seasons especially in December to March and July august. The climate threat is heightened because the government (Uganda) have done little to make adequate investments in climate compatible development during the period of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) from 2000 to 2015.

Further the Climate threat continuous to severely affected Agriculture, the sector which is the backbone of the many African economies, Uganda’s economy inclusive. for example,climate change has contributed to crop failure and at least 1.3 million people in various parts of the East African nation need food aid urgently after a dry spell decimated harvests.( Ojiambo, Nov 2016). Meanwhile, the loss and damage caused by climate change are constantly adding to the price tag of economic development which also undermine the ability for Uganda to achieve Vision 2040.

Therefore, Integrating the knowledge on climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in agriculture and environment such as nature conservation, sustainable agricultural practices, water harvesting, soil and water management and conservation strategies, effective water use strategies for dry season agriculture, resistant seed varieties would reduce climate effects, build resilience and awareness especially in rural parts of Africa. This will help to attain several SDGs such as Zero hunger, No poverty and good health (1,2 &3).

Possible solutions

Building the culture of African climate observations

Climate observation has gone missing and if any with inconsistent data in most of African countries.


Would help to give the shape on scientific research, data access for smallholder farming.

The figures bellows shows the ongoing Project on promoting the culture of African climate observations with Saerd Uganda.The micro weather station that measures rainfall, temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, and wind speed, among other variables.

Fig. Installation of Micro weather station with Saerd Uganda


  1. David Le Blanc. 2015. ‘’Towards integration at last? The sustainable Goals as a nework of targets’’. DESA working paper NO.141
  2. The world Bank 2008. ‘’Agriculture for developmet. World development Report’’,p.6.
  3. XinshenDiao, peter Hazell, and james Thurlow. 2010. ‘’The role of agriculture in African Development’’ World Development, 38(10), pp. 1375-1383,p.1375