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Drylands Systems Research Programme of the CGIAR's Gender Strategy

DRYLANDS SYSTEMS - Integrated Agricultural Production Systems for Improved Food Security and Livelihoods in Dry Areas - Gender Strategy, CGIAR Research programme on Dryland Systems, January 2014

"Special appreciation goes to Jennie Dey de Pryck (GFAR/GAP) for her commitment to drafting the strategy, in collaboration with Aden Aw Hassan, Malika Martini, Iman El-Kaffass and Rajita Majumdar (ICARDA), Harry Palmier (GFAR), Courtney Paisley and Marina Cherbonnier (YPARD), as well as myself and many others who participated in the Gender and Youth Strategy Design Workshop in Malawi (20-21 September 2013)." William Payne, Director, Dryland Systems CRP. 
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