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LCIRAH PhD Studentships 2013/14

LCIRAH PhD Studentships 2013/14


LCIRAH PhD Studentships 2013/14


The Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH) is offering four London-based PhD studentships, each 3 years in duration, to start in the 2013/2014 academic year.  Studentships will cover fieldwork costs, student stipend, and UK/EU tuition fees. Each studentship will be registered in one of the participating Colleges and jointly supervised by health, economy and agricultural researchers.  We invite student applications on the following four topics:


  1. Can healthy and sustainable diets in developing countries also be affordable?  
  2.  Oil seeds, macroeconomics and health: a whole-economy model of India's tax policies.
  3. The Food Expenditure Ratio: a tool for monitoring the effects of changing food prices on food security and nutrition. 
  4.  Public investments, agricultural strategy and malnutrition in rural South Asia.


For more information on these studentships please see attached advertisement or look at our website


Closing dates range between: 2nd-15th April 2013.