Koronivia’s Future: The role of diets

Saturday Nov. 12th, 2.30 - 3.45 PM at the Food4Climate Pavilion, Blue Zone

A growing body of scientific research shows the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from food and agriculture in order to reach the Paris Agreement target of limiting warming to 1.5degrees Celsius. Only by applying a food systems approach that incorporates actions in all three of these areas can we meet global climate commitments, halt biodiversity loss and ensure food security and healthy diets for a growing population. A shift towards healthier and more plant rich diets as well as the adoption of nature-positive food production practices, reduction of food loss and waste is more than urgently needed.

“Dietary change in regions with excess consumption of animal-sourced foods to a higher share of plant-based foods has both mitigation and adaptation benefits along with reduced mortality from diet related non-communicable diseases, health, biodiversity and other environmental co-benefits.

The future of KJWA will be decided at COP27. The new and up-dated Koronivia work program should include a food systems approach, which would mean to set a new focus on healthy and nutritious plant-rich diets.


Raphael Podselver, ProVeg International, Moderation

Anna Salminen, Finland Martial Bernoux, FAO

Glindys Virginia Luciano, YPARD

Vivian Maduekeh, Global Alliance for the Future of Food Eirini Pitsilidi, Compassion in World Farming

Martina Fleckenstein, WWF Nayomie Prasad, 50by40


Martina Fleckenstein, WWF International, whatsapp/mobile: +49 151 188 54 921

Raphael Podselver, ProVeg International, whatsapp/mobile: +49 176 56879772



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