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G-8 Summit Declaration Expresses Concern about Desertification and Land Degradation

G-8 Summit Declaration Expresses Concern about Desertification and Land Degradation

The G-8 Summit that concluded in L’Aquila, Italy, on Friday, 10 July 2009, issued a declaration in which members described how they intend to address desertification, land degradation and drought. The 134-paragraph declaration, titled, “Responsible Leadership for a Sustainable Future”, addresses several issues concerning the world economy, sustainable use of natural resources and development.

In reference to land degradation, the Declaration states: “We are deeply concerned about desertification and land degradation in drylands, as both causes and consequences of climate change. Acknowledging the substantial impacts of these phenomena on human well-being, poverty, food security and the environment, we recognize the efforts of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and call upon the Parties and existing funding mechanisms to strengthen synergies among the Rio Conventions in the implementation of selected projects. Furthermore, we will work with developing country partners to integrate effective Sustainable Land Management (SLM) into relevant cooperation programmes and assist them in integrating SLM into national development plans and policies and national climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.”

This provision is part of the Declaration’s thematic focus on sustainable use of natural resources that is limited to climate change and clean energy and technology. Under climate change and environment the declaration highlights fighting climate change and promoting the role of markets in this endeavor as well as technology development and research, financing, adaptation, natural disasters, forests and land degradation, biodiversity, and education for sustainable development. On the issue of clean and accessible energy, the declaration centers on energy efficiency, diversification and technology and combating energy poverty.

The thematic focus on the World Economy highlights the way to recovery from the current economic and financial crises and a range of market issues. It addresses the economic stimulus and financial stabilization, the repair of the financial system, international tax and prudential cooperation and combating illicit financing, a common framework for balanced and sustainable-growth, financial and regulatory reform, common principles and standards, corruption, employment and the social dimension, green recovery, innovation and intellectual property rights, trade and investment as well as energy security, markets and investment.

The focus on Africa emphasizes promoting sustainable and inclusive globalization. The focal areas identified are responsible leadership for sustainable development, a renewed commitment to develop through assisting developing countries to cope with the economic crisis, building on the Monterrey Consensus and Doha Conference on Financing for Development through a whole country approach to development, strengthening G8 and global initiatives to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and strengthening governance and the private sector for economic growth.