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08.09.09YPARD IS PROJECT COLLABORATOR OF THE MACE CONFERENCEYPARD COORDINATOR VISITED IAMO.On September 8, Dr. Balasubramanian Ramani, Coordinator of YPARD, vi si ted IAMO. YPARD is the Young Pro fes sio nal's Plat form for Agri cul­tu ral Re se arch for De ve lop ment and was foun ded at the end of 2006. Young pro fes sio nals from uni ver si tys, re se arch or ga ni sa ti ons, NGOs, go­vern ments, ex ten si ons, far mer or ga ni sa ti ons and de ve lop ment agen cies are mem bers of the net work. YPARD wants to ser ve as a glo bal plat­form th rough which tho se young pro fes sio nals can ex press their ideas and rea li se their full po ten ti al towards a dy na mic agri cul tu ral re se arch for de ve lop ment. The plat form of fers for ex amp le dis cus sion fo ra, a news let ter and in for ma ti on on trai ning, jobs and con fe ren ces. Pro fes sio nals youn ger than 40 years are wel co me to join the net work. To re gis ter, see he re. At the MACE Con fe rence, IAMO is or ga ni sing to ge ther with HU Ber lin and AT S AF on Ja nu a ry 13 and 14, 2010 in the run-?up to the In ter na tio nal Green Week in Ber lin, a joi ned pa nel dis cus sion with YPARD is plan ned.





08.09.09YPARD IS PROJECT COLLABORATOR OF THE MACE CONFERENCEYPARD COORDINATOR VISITED IAMO.On September 8, Dr. Balasubramanian Ramani, Coordinator of YPARD, vi si ted IAMO. YPARD is the Young Pro fes sio nal's Plat form for Agri cul­tu ral Re se arch for De ve lop ment and was foun ded at the end of 2006. Young pro fes sio nals from uni ver si tys, re se arch or ga ni sa ti ons, NGOs, go­vern ments, ex ten si ons, far mer or ga ni sa ti ons and de ve lop ment agen cies are mem bers of the net work. YPARD wants to ser ve as a glo bal plat­form th rough which tho se young pro fes sio nals can ex press their ideas and rea li se their full po ten ti al towards a dy na mic agri cul tu ral re se arch for de ve lop ment. The plat form of fers for ex amp le dis cus sion fo ra, a news let ter and in for ma ti on on trai ning, jobs and con fe ren ces. Pro fes sio nals youn ger than 40 years are wel co me to join the net work. To re gis ter, see he re. At the MACE Con fe rence, IAMO is or ga ni sing to ge ther with HU Ber lin and AT S AF on Ja nu a ry 13 and 14, 2010 in the run-?up to the In ter na tio nal Green Week in Ber lin, a joi ned pa nel dis cus sion with YPARD is plan ned.