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Social Reporting at the 7th Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW7)

FARA and CTA, in collaboration with YPARD and GFAR, are organising a social reporting activity in the framework of the FARA 7th Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW7) from 13 – 16 June 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda. To promote the event, its sessions, key messages and outcomes, about two hundred young social reporters (onsite and remote reporters) have been selected to cover the event.

FARA and CTA, in collaboration with YPARD and GFAR, are organising a social reporting activity in the framework of the FARA 7th Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW7) from 13 – 16 June 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda. To promote the event, its sessions, key messages and outcomes, about two hundred young social reporters (onsite and remote reporters) have been selected to cover the event.

For CTA, social reporting is a means to support capacity building and networking for youth in agriculture, apart from contributing to promote knowledge sharing on agricultural development challenges and opportunities. Therefore, CTA is supporting 8 young social reporters from across Africa (active in the CTA ARDYIS network) to join their Rwandan colleagues (from YPARD) for the social reporting.

The activity includes a day training session on the effective use of social reporting tools for selected onsite social reporters, followed by 4 days of using those skills for active social reporting, engaging conference participants and contributing to the overall outreach of the outcomes the science week. They will be supported by the online team, via social media, to amplify and increase the reach of the communication content that will generated onsite.

In addition, an e-discussion is organised by CTA around the themes of the science week to kick-start the engagement and to update social reporters and improve their understanding on some of the important issues that are linked to the themes of the conference, on which they will be reporting. The e-discussion will hold from 06 – 11 June 2016, and is themed: “Youth and agriculture sciences in Africa”. The e-discussion is facilitated by eight young volunteers (4 French; 4 English) from the social reporting group. Both onsite and best remote social reporters will receive certificates of participation at the end of the event.

Find more information about the AASW7's social reporting program on Ardyis' blog