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CFS YouthDeveloping the knowledge, skills, and talent of youth to further food security and nutrition

In order to face the food security and nutrition challenges of the future – including feeding the estimated 9 billion people by 2050 with adequate, safe, diversified, and nutrient rich food - there is a need to build the capacity of the next generation of agricultural producers, by identifying ways to engage and empower youth – both women and men.

Youth in Landscapes initiative 2015

"To bring young people with lots of energy to the table to try and discuss pressing and complex issues was just a fantastic opportunity”. Ashwin Ravikumar, young researcher at CIFOR, during 2014 Global Landscapes Forum youth session.

On September 25th 2015, world leaders will commit to The Global Goals ( for sustainable development including ending extreme poverty and fighting inequality. Malawi’s young farmers sing out loud ( to show farming can be one way to do this. Their song Kondwa was inspired by the song ‘Happy’ ( by Pharrell Williams. 

Erin and a friend during the conference

As an agricultural engineer with an environmentalist mind, I always try to understand what is actually going on under my feet. Of particular interst, in agriculture it does matter to know how many other species of insects are dying after pesticide applications or how many microorganisms are being disturbed when the soil is tilled. Not knowing about those consequences or not assessing them carefully have made us silence the spring in past and probably having our pollinators lost nowadays.